Laboratory Reports

  • Hair & blood testing for drug & alcohol cases in family courts 
  • Expert analysis: the biochemist’s and psychiatrist’s view 
  • In partnership with an accredited testing laboratory 

When you’re testing parents for alcohol or drugs, will you get all the critical answers from a lab report? 

Over the years, we’ve arranged tens of thousands of lab reports, testing hair and blood samples in readiness for the family courts. And we hear the same question time and again – will the test reveal the full story? 

Our answer is always NO. 

There is no “silver bullet” that offers a definitive verdict on drug or alcohol use. Because: 

Nothing is 100% accurate 
When a lab searches for drug or alcohol markers, there’s always a margin of error. In some labs, it’s as high as +/- 25%. And even in the best labs, with the most advanced equipment, there’s still a small risk of false negatives and false positives. 

Markers are not “proof” 
A marker that’s correctly identified could be caused by something innocent. Think of contaminants like alcohol gels and airborne substances, or medical conditions that produce the same biochemical symptoms. This is why different tests can produce conflicting evidence. 

Effects of drugs and alcohol vary 
A lab test can’t say “this drug has this effect”, as it depends on the individual: their history, tolerance, patterns of consumption and more…it all affects the nature and level of risk to the child. 

With so many “wildcards” to consider, the only legitimate option is to build an evidential picture through multiple forms of reporting. So in partnership with a UKAS-accredited testing lab, we will always provide: 

  • A combination of hair and blood tests. The more that results correlate, the higher the chance of an accurate reading.  
  • Technical analysis. With commentary by a senior biochemist, the lab results are given a scientific context. 
  • Medical Interpretation. Case notes are reviewed by an experienced psychiatrist, who’ll consider the data in a human context. 

With this range of inputs, we can submit a final report that considers every nuance. The lab data is made clear, with guidance on probability – and if it’s concluded that drugs or alcohol are in use, we’ll set out the probable and possible effects, so the judge can make a fair and balanced decision in the interests of the child. 

Why work with Atkinson Lewis? 

  • A “Data Plus” approach, putting lab results in context 
  • Medical interpretation by a drug and alcohol specialist 
  • End to end support for public and private law cases: from sample collection to lab analysis and medical review
  • MIFA Report: an expert witness statement accepted by UK Family Courts, with options for enhanced reporting and in-court appearance 
  • All testing conducted by trusted partners in ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Testing Laboratory – certified for multiple tests inc. hair drug testing and hair/blood alcohol testing 
  • Friendly, non-judgemental sample collectors working in most UK regions – highly trained to follow strict chain of custody protocols 
  • Transparent pricing for LAA approval 
  • Split-billing between all parties involved  
  • Hands-on customer service team, working all hours to take on new instructions 

Hair and drug testing in child custody cases - Expert witness report

Lab Reports form part of our MIFA reporting system:

Medical Interpretation of Forensic Analysis 

How Can We Help You Today?

We’re here to assist with private and public cases in the Family Courts. If you’ve got a question, need a cost or you’re ready with an instruction, give us some details and we’ll get back to you quickly.